There are six levels of depth in hypnosis.
The Mnesic or Memory Retain Levels
I. First Level
-Eye catalepsy, inability to use the eyelid muscles through suggestion.
II. Second Level
-Small muscle group catalepsy, inability to use small muscle groups, i.e., arm and hand, through suggestion.
Approximately 20% of population falls into first and second levels of hypnosis
III. Third Level
-All muscle group catalepsy through suggestion
-Aphasia, name or number block where the subject may be able to think a name or number but becomes unable to pronounce the word through suggestion.
IV. Fourth Level
-All the above phenomena
-Analgesia, light anesthesia where pain is eliminated although sensation of pressure can be felt.
-Positive olfactory and gustatory hallucinations, where subject can actually taste or smell something that does not exist at the moment.
-Amnesia through strong direct suggestion, specific information, i.e, subject name, can be forgotten.
-Pseudo-age regression, increased recall of past events.
-Automatic writing, where the subject is consciously unaware of what his or her hand is writing.
Approximately 60% of population falls into third and fourth levels of hypnosis
Somnambulism Level
V. Fifth Level
-All the above phenomena
-Post-hypnotic amnesia without suggestion, subject may forget being hypnotized without suggestion.
-Positive hallucinations of all sensory perception, visual, auditory, and kinesthetics hallucinations.
-Age regression, where the subject may re-live previous experiences complete with the emotions he originally felt.
Profound Somnambulism Level
VI. Sixth Level
-All the above phenomena
-Negative sensory hallucination, where reality as perceived by the sense may be ignored through suggestion.
Less than 20% of population falls into fifth and sixth levels of hypnosis.